More LibraryReads love! We’re so thrilled to announce that IT’S ONE OF US by J.T. Ellison has been named a LibraryReads Pick for February!
From Andrea Galvin, Mt. Pulaski Public Library:
“JT Ellison has written a beautiful story from start to finish. Olivia and Park struggle with infertility. A woman is found dead, and DNA shows the murderer is related to Park. Not only is this a well-done mystery of whodunit, it is also a drama of what happens as a couple deals with loss. Another great book from an incredible author. For fans of All the Dangerous Things.”
And congratulations to BLACK CANDLE WOMEN by Diane Marie Brown for being named a LibraryReads BONUS PICK! From Rebecca Vnuk:
“A dual timeline moving from 1950s New Orleans to the present, three generations of strong magical women, a spell book, and a secret generational curse make for a very entertaining spin on family drama.”
For more information about February’s LibraryReads picks, click here.